I had quite an experience Friday morning thought id share it with the club.
I had started my truck and backed it out of the garage Friday getting ready to head to work, I shut the garage down and left the truck running and walk to the front door to grab my lunch and shut the front door, never loosing eye contact of the truck. as I was on my front porch locking the door I noticed a kid walking down the sidewalk as they do heading to school, my house is near the local high school so not unusual to see kids walking down the sidewalk at that time of morning, not thinking anything of it I stopped to see if the recent flowers I had planted had started to come up, well out of the corner of my eye I see my truck rolling down my driveway.....well for a moment I was mezmerized when it hit me....my truck was being stolen, this kid had gotten in my truck and was backing out my driveway, well I dropped my lunch and ran after the truck makeing a 15 foot jump from the grass to the driveaway landing on the hood holding on just below the wipers, as he drove out of the drive way at full throttle making a left turn in reverse I was thrown off the hood to the asphalt rolling several times before I stopped.
He proceeded to keep backing up in reverse crossing the street and slamming into the curb on the otherside, I live on a busy street with 4 lanes.. he slammed the curb so hard it blew out the left rear tire... just at that moment a police car had been driving down the road in the same direction he was pointed, well apperantly he seen this and took off full throttle down the street with the cop behind him, as sirens blaring and lights flashing....
Of course the only thing I could think of was what kinda shape is the truck gonna be in when I see it again.... well I went back in the house and called 911 and reported it stolen and explained about the police being in persuit at the time.... well 30 minutes went by after the police came to the house taking statements and description of the truck and the driver..... an officer came to the door and said hed take me to my truck, wekll at that time I was ready for the worst..... well as we approached the truck approximatly 3 blocks away I was amazed that no body damage was done, seems the only damage was to the left rear wheel at tire and the left fron tire had a large slice in the sidewall..... I had the truck towed to work for closer inspection and no other damage was noticed...thank god!!! telling by the pics it could have been alot worse.....
Well the kid got away and hasnt been caught yet, but I was told by the officer that when he abandoned the truck he had thrown a gun in the hard where he jumped out and proceeded to hop fences through residents back yards so the investigation still continues.....
Just goes to show that even if your within eye contact of your vehicle doesnt mean its safe....... guess luck was on my side there.
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