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Helped co-worker replace tailgate handle

Printed From: Colorado Av Club
Category: Colorado Av Club Joe's Bar & Grill
Forum Name: Av Stories
Forum Discription: Stories Related To Avalanches
Printed Date: 02 Mar 2025 at 10:50pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 8.04 -

Topic: Helped co-worker replace tailgate handle
Posted By: JoeSpicoli
Subject: Helped co-worker replace tailgate handle
Date Posted: 11 Nov 2007 at 9:44pm
So my co-worker that has a White '02 Av sustained some damage to his top tailgate cladding, handle bezel, and handle a while back (some might remember the story of how his rock crawler smacked into the back of his Av at a stop sign).

Well, he finally got a replacement handle and I went over to help him replace it on Tuesday.  Not that he's incapable of doing it himself;  he wanted another set of hands to help try and get the old handle out without having to cut anything apart.  But, the part of the tailgate outer skin that is in front of the handle just didn't want to pull out enough for us - so he zipped off a small part of it.

Everything else went pretty good except one of the little green plastic keepers, that the latch rods connect to, decided to break as we were hooking it back up.  Nothing that a little zip tie can't handle, tho!  Attached is a pic.

Yes, that is blood on the tailgate - he split his knuckle on something and left a little blood on his Av.  There was no sweat (too cold for that) nor tears, just a little blood paid for this job.  Wink


2002 Indigo Blue Z-71

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