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shop gtg mod

Printed From: Colorado Av Club
Category: Local Club Events and Get ToGethers (GTGs)
Forum Name: GTG Ideas
Forum Discription: Got an idea for a GTG? Here's the place to post and let us know.
Printed Date: 11 Mar 2025 at 9:20pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 8.04 -

Topic: shop gtg mod
Posted By: shawnemac
Subject: shop gtg mod
Date Posted: 12 Mar 2009 at 9:49am
Thumbs%20Up To all that have the bug to mod  I have got a shop in the dtc area of denver they have a lift and air inside can hold 5 or six trucks and it is in a auto/tint shop  Clap I have made a agreement with management to use the shop two times this year for a gtg and mods. there is a large bbq grill in the back to cook lunch or there is a jimmy john next door. they are also going to give us a discount on items they sell I.E stereos grillz. lights. bumper grills ect... I will have a list of items but if you want somthing for your AV then ask i will try to get it for you at a sale price!!!ClapClapClap  For all of us new guyz this will be the chance to get on board and upgrade our trucks. please let me know how the 22nd or 29th of march works for all of you and i will set it up for us to have full use of the shop.... Dead

Posted By: beercrazy
Date Posted: 12 Mar 2009 at 4:03pm
That sounds awesome Shawn...Id shoot for the 29th as Im gonna be in California on the weekend of the 21st.....maybe we can talk graffix....oh ya.    Ken

Whats you AVitude telling you????

Posted By: TCR1
Date Posted: 13 Mar 2009 at 8:29am
Thanks for coordinating this Shawn!

Posted By: TCR1
Date Posted: 13 Mar 2009 at 8:31am
Thats great!  May be able to make it, but not sure how much work I would be doing.  I was thinking of doing an Mp3 hook up for my head unit.  I thought about doing the $3.00 deal from the CAFCNA site, but then was worried about what would happen if I wanted to change other stuff.  Maybe a radio/electrical type guy can give me their thoughts.,93646.0.html -,93646.0.html
Another project I would like ot do is to add that pushpin switch for the bed light.  That was a great idea.  Can someone point me in the direction to a parts list for that and give me an estimated price?
All my other projects are on the expensive/time consuming side and I am not ready to spend the money yet.  If its a nice day, I could work on some spring cleaning though Smile.
Then again, if sommeone want to help me pull my powerbar off and paint it, thats fine too Wink

Posted By: shawnemac
Date Posted: 13 Mar 2009 at 8:56am
there is a vinal shop next to the shop so any body who want graffix can have them made there also Dead

Posted By: TCR1
Date Posted: 16 Mar 2009 at 8:52am
Originally posted by shawnemac

Thumbs%20Up To all that have the bug to mod  I have got a shop in the dtc area of denver they have a lift and air inside can hold 5 or six trucks and it is in a auto/tint shop  Clap I have made a agreement with management to use the shop two times this year for a gtg and mods. there is a large bbq grill in the back to cook lunch or there is a jimmy john next door. they are also going to give us a discount on items they sell I.E stereos grillz. lights. bumper grills ect... I will have a list of items but if you want somthing for your AV then ask i will try to get it for you at a sale price!!!ClapClapClap  For all of us new guyz this will be the chance to get on board and upgrade our trucks. please let me know how the 22nd or 29th of march works for all of you and i will set it up for us to have full use of the shop.... Dead
I have added some stuff I would like to do.  Kind of small, functional things like a bug deflector and in channel rain gaurds for the windows.  With my birthday coming up (the weekend of the mod GTG), I have them on my list, but if you can get them cheaper, then maybe I will just seek money to pick the stuff up on Sunday the 29th.
you can email me a list of items they carry or just give me a price on the AVS ventvisors in smoke in channel window deflectors and the bug deflector.  I have a 2004 cladded 1500.  I was looking at them at for around 65.00 ea with free shipping.
Thanks again for putting something like this together.

Posted By: avalanchuck
Date Posted: 23 Mar 2009 at 11:50am
Hey Shawn I can't afford to do much for this mod gtg.  Can you find out what he's asking to tint windows?  I'd like to get the front and rear windows tinted to match.

2003 Light Pewter Metallic Z71 WBH

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